Alpha 2

Next Update!

Download: Mega

I didn’t work on the project as much as I would like, but here’s some progress.

Patch Notes:


- Basic movement that can toggle between a cursor and movement.

- Switch bet

New Placeholder Environment

- A basic small alchemist workplace.


- Added switching between potion templates: Small Potion Template (1 slot), Medium Potion Template (2 slots)(default on the previous version), and Large Potion Template (3 slots).


- Added Money

- Added Small Potion Template

- Added Medium Potion Template

- Added Large Potion Template

- Added Max Breast Size Fruit

- Added Max Butt Size Fruit

- Added Max Height Size Fruit


- Reward Money


- Added a shop for ingredients and templates

- Medium & Large potion templates

- Increase Max Limit Ingredients


- Minor changes to faces (interpolating between some premade faces)

- Bra and bikini with one material set working

- Major refactoring on how animations are handled, for the moment the effect is smoother animation transitions.


- Shop Panel

- Moved some buttons


- Removing Character Audio temporarily (until dialog implementation).

- Fixed Bug where sound would not correctly be set to player prefs on launch

Content Plans for the next update

- Alchemy minigame / improved visuals

I want to make a brewing scene where ingredients are added and affect the visuals of a potion.

- Dialog

Will create a dialog system framework with the clients. I'm only trying to get the basics working for now.

- Continue character generation

Expanding the visuals of the characters is something I hope to add over time rather than a single big update.

- Animations

With new animation controls, I’m comfortable to start implementing walking, head tracking, and interactions for the next update. With no experience prior with animations, flushing them out will be worked on piecemeal.


Alchemical Trainer 2.0
Jul 08, 2024

Get Alchemical Trainer


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So, are there any plans to update it? At present, I feel that the potential of this game is great, and I hope to add some muscle growth content (LOL).

when I try to play it it tells me I’m missing something and have to install it which I rather not do of fear it could mess with my computer 

Good stuff

i'm having trouble with the download, refuses to go past 961.1 mb